
ATT TeleConference & Web Meeting

This service allows you to conduct teleconferences anytime, day or night, without ever having to make a reservation. Simply use your own personal dial-in number and access code when you want to set up a call - there's no need to ever contact customer service. And now you can just as conveniently add a visual dimension to conference calls with Web Meeting Service capabilities. It's a great enhancement that allows you to present and collaborate with virtually any software application on your PC, in real-time over the Internet. And anyone can view or participate from just about anywhere, because only a standard browser and Web connection are needed.

Types of TeleConference Calls and Prices

Reservationless Automatic Dial-In
All participants dial in to the conference and are "automatically" joined together.

  • 14¢ per minute, per connection with toll-free dial-in number
  • 14¢ per minute, per connection with caller paid dial-in number

Operator Dialed
An Operator-Dialed TeleConference is ideal when you want to "meet with a call" and have AT&T handle the arrangements for you. The AT&T TeleConference Specialist dials out to each participant, including the host, and adds them to the call. International locations will incur additional international long distance charges.

    $.28 per minute, per connection

Operator Assisted Dial-In
This call type will benefit customers who are looking for a personal customer service touch and security features for their conference calls.

  • $.22 per minute, per connection
  • $.20 per minute, per connection with caller paid dial-in

Web Meeting
Each participant that logs in to the web meeting is "automatically" joined together.

$.25 per minute, per connection
