Diabetes is an ancient disease. In 400 BC, China's first Medical Books, "The Yellow Emperor-Q" and "Lingshu" on the record "Diabetes card" Name. Medical Han Zhang Zhongjing "Synopsis" Diabetes chapter of "more than three" Symptoms have been documented. The early years of the Tang Dynasty, China's famous first words ZHEN Li Jia admitted that the urine Diabetes Patients are sweet.
The world's first confirmed and treatment of diabetes in China during the Tang Dynasty medical doctors Wang Tao. According to Wang Tao with his father became thirsty, drink volume increase, was more furuncle sore, urinating fruit flavor, and in accordance with ZHEN Li Yan "post-mortem of the Ancient and Modern", a book that: Diabetes patients merging small sweet bran tablets. So he wants to try his father urinating really is sweet. Diabetes is aimed at the development of a treatment program, complemented by changes in diet, disease control to his father. These included his experience "of Taiwan Secret," a book.
"Secrets of Taiwan" than the 10th century Arab doctor Avicenna "admitted Code" on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes as early as 200 years. Year after 600 years before the British doctor, William Thomas mentioned the urine of patients "as their taste like sugar honey." According to research, diabetes for emperors in ancient nobility of the disease occurred in obesity, and more rich in water. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases. With the improvement of people's standard of living, the aging of the population and the increase in the incidence of obesity, diabetes incidence rate was gradually rising trend. Diabetes incidence rate in China reached 2%, according to statistics, China has been diagnosed with diabetes to 40 million, and an annual increase rate of 1 million. Among them, in patients with type 1 diabetes in 10%, type 2 diabetes accounted for 90%. Type 1 diabetes patients in the five years after diagnosis of chronic few complications arise, on the contrary, Patients with type 2 diabetes had been diagnosed before chronic complications. According to statistics, 50% of newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes has been in existence in one or more chronic complications, some patients because it was suffering from complications of diabetes. What is diabetes? Diabetes is due to the interaction of genetic and environmental factors caused absolute or relative insulin secretion and the target tissue insulin sensitivity decreased from protein, fat, water and electrolytes, and a series of metabolic disorder syndrome, a high blood sugar as the main indicator. Clinical typical case, there will be more urine, and more drinking, more drinking, weight loss and performance, "a little more than three" symptoms. How insulin synthesis and release? Insulin from the pancreas islet β - cell synthesis and release of a hormone. Β-cells in the nucleus of the former first proinsulin, in the role of under-cracking as proinsulin, and stored in the B-cell plasma particles, proinsulin converting enzyme in the role of decomposition of insulin and C-peptide, containing insulin and C-peptide particles were transported to the cell surface, Qualcomm Guo Yi cells spit the role of insulin and C-peptide release into the blood, thus completing the synthesis and release of insulin process. Insulin what some physiological function? Insulin is the only lower blood glucose in the hormone is the main body for synthesis of hormones, it is also called "storage hormone." Insulin can promote the use of sugar and glycogen synthesis, inhibiting non-sugar substances (fat and protein) for the different sugar; Can promote fat synthesis, inhibiting fat decomposition; Can promote protein synthesis, protein inhibit the decomposition. How is the diagnosis of diabetes? In 1999 the WHO recommended diabetes diagnostic criteria: 1, diabetes symptoms, any time of venous plasma glucose concentrations ≥ 11.1 mmol / L (mg). 2, fasting plasma glucose concentration vein ≥ 7.0 mmol / L (126mg/dl). 3, the glucose tolerance test (OGTT) 75g oral glucose two hours after the venous plasma glucose concentrations ≥ 11.1 mmol / L, respectively. The above three criteria, as long as a standard, and then again the day of the three options in a repeat of the inspection also meet standards, can be diagnosed as diabetes. What are the types of diabetes?